We love our volunteers!
Super Sunday is made possible each year thanks to the help of over 100 wonderful volunteers. If you're participating as a runner, please thank them! If you're volunteering, we appreciate your support!
All volunteers get free admission into the after-party, a free Super Sunday commemorative swag item, and two drink tickets. As a volunteer, you'll assist with number pickup, venue setup, registration, bag check, water stops, marshaling, food and beverage service, awards, and cleanup.
Volunteers will be sent an email with instructions 1-2 days before their volunteer shift.
Volunteer roles and responsibilities on the day of the event typically go like this:
Registration, 7:30AM-9:45AM
Registration volunteers assist with setting up the registration area, which includes tables, signs, bib numbers, safety pins, pens, and race swag items like hats, t-shirts, or other wearables. As runners arrive, volunteers give runners their bib number and appropriate swag items. After registration closes, volunteers will pack up remaining items and help load them into the equipment truck. Tables used for registration are often moved and/or rearranged for the post-race party.
Bag Check Crew, 9:00AM-11:30AM / 11:30AM-2:00PM
Bag check volunteers help with checking in runners' bags in the Bag Check area. Before the race, volunteers help set up a secure area, often with tarps and tables. Materials needed include bag tags, markers, and plastic bags. Runners are given a tag to write their bib number on and attach it to their bag. Bag Check volunteers take the bags and arrange them numerically for easy retrieval when runners return after the race. The bag check area should always be attended to help keep the space secure.
Course Marshal Crew, 9:00AM-11:00AM
Course marshals assist with setting up the signage and cones along the course before the race. During the race, course marshals direct the runners and ensure their safety by alerting other walkers, cyclists, pedestrians, and drivers. After the race is complete, course marshals help clean up the signage, cones and any other materials along the race course.
Water Station Crew, 9:00AM-11:00AM
Water station volunteers assist with setting up an area on the course, often at a mile marker, to hand cups of water to runners during the race. Water stations are equipped with tables, water jugs, paper cups, rubber gloves, and trash bags. Water should be pre-poured into cups (half-filled) before the runners arrive. Some volunteers should hold out half-filled cups and offer them to runners as they pass, while others fill additional cups. After the last runners have passed, volunteers should clean up all cups and place them in garbage bags. All materials should be broken down, loaded into a vehicle, and returned to the Start/Finish area.
Start/Finish Crew, 9:00AM-11:00AM
Start/finish volunteers assist with setting up banners, signage, cones, and other materials. Volunteers will help runners line up for the race and ensure the race starts smoothly (with the assistance of the race director and staff). Two Start/Finish volunteers will hold a finish line tape for the first female and male runners to as they win the race. After the race, volunteers help clean up the start/finish area and load race equipment and materials into the equipment truck.
Bike Marshal Crew, 9:30AM-11:00AM
Bike marshals assist with final prep and review of the race course before the race. During the race, some bike marshals ride 1-2 minutes ahead of the field, while others ride alongside race leaders and vulnerable groups of runners to help ensure their safety. Bike marshals should be prepared to dismount their bike and assist on foot, so cleated shoes are not recommended.
Party Crew, 10:00AM-12:00PM / 12:00PM-2:00PM (21+ only)
Party volunteers assist with prepping the beer tents, pouring (not serving) beer, awards ceremony, trash removal, and beer garden security during the post-race party.
Please sign up to volunteer here.